Raising eco-conscious kids isn’t easy and parents need support. But how can we get started before green curriculum becomes obligatory at schools?
Non-greasy body lotion is perfect to moisturise your skin and hands without any chemicals and all natural. Here is a fast and easy recipe and zero waste.
Now summer is over here are a few ideas for eco friendly travel. Start with buying local souvenirs, carrying reusable picnic items and carbon offsetting.
There are many ways to ecourage others to go green. Providing stats, sharing compelling but easy-to-understand info or eco products recipes are some of many ideas.
Whether you’re searching for homemade gifts ideas or want to test essential oils as aromatherapy, making your own homemade candle is a perfect solution.
The current take-make-dispose linear model must be replaced by circular economy. We are using natural resources as if we lived on 1.75 planets.
Using a shampoo bar makes your transition to no plastic easy. But it comes with challenges when your hair and scalp adjust. Here is how to make it work for you.
Helping fight the climate change can be done by taking small actions such as personal or group challenges. Discover Microvist full of fun tasks to explore and complete.
There are many alternatives you can introduce to throw eco friendly kids party: seeds as goody bag items, fresh flowers or dry leaves as confetti.
Could plant-based diet, flexitarianism, correct nutrient density or a smaller scale animal agriculture help save the planet? What is it like to be vegan?